There was a great turnout for today's tree planting on Cape Clear with over 150 trees with an enthusiastic bunch of volunteers, young and old. Already this year about 100 trees have been planted by Oisín and by Scoil Náisiúnta Oilean Chléire and with another 100 or so to go there will be over 350 new trees when all is done. Volunteers were very impressed with the progress made by last year's trees and we took a photo behind some of these to show how well they have taken. We also show the area where the main planting occurred and finally a photo of a lovely Oak tree planted by the children of Scoil Náisiunta, nach bhfuil sé go han deas. Go raibh míle maith agaibh to all and lets hope our National Rugby Team perform as well later today as our Cape Clear Tree Planting Team. Cléire go brách. 