Oiléan Chléire was very glad to support the inaugural Heir Island 5K race on Thursday 18 August last. In true ‘Iron man/woman’ fashion a group set out to kayak from Cuas a’Dubhglais while others travelled on the Gaisceannán with Micheál Ó Ceadagáin. Conditions were excellent on the paddle over which took an hour but on the return trip as the first signs of the incoming storm were becoming evident it took a little longer and some made a wide detour of the Gaisceannán Sound to avoid the tidal race, then in full force.
The race attracted over 40 entries and given the spectacular terrain, some participants were happy to pace themselves in order to enjoy the outstanding views, including of Cape Clear Island. Heir Island, like all Islands has its own unique atmosphere and given that this was also Regatta Day, there was a certain buzz which also added to the enjoyment. It was good to meet John Walsh and his family who came all the way from Bere Island to support the event.
We were delighted to see Simon Cocking from Cape Clear achieve third place to win a super Heir Island shirt. Simon attributes his fitness to use of the treadmill and other gym equipment, provided to Cape Clear Island by The Community Sports Sport and Physical Activity Hub operated by Cork Sports Partnership and the Islands, whose representative Claire Hurley was also present. Various ideas were generated informally about further inter-island sporting and fitness initiatives to come which we hope will achieve further participation and support. It must be Simon’s week for fame as he is also featured in an inspiring article in this week’s Southern Star.
Great credit is due to Bere Island for inaugurating the first Island fun run and let’s hope for even more participants in the Island Fun Run Series next year.
Photo shows, paddling to Heir Island, walking to the race, Cape Clear participants sporting the new Cape Clear Stone T-Shirt, Simon enjoying John Desmond’s impressive Gallery on Heir Island, the start of the race and Simon after receiving his prize. The Paddlers were Simon Cocking, Fiachra Ó Tóirne, Séamus Ó Drisceoil, Martin Punch and Ann Marie. Runners were Simon Cocking, Fiachra Ó Tóirne, Séamus Ó Drisceoi, Darach Ó Tóirne.
Oileáin abú.
