The amount of ongoing community effort that sustains and enlivens life on Cape Clear Island is by any account quite extraordinary and following the outstanding efforts of recent weeks it is quite incredible to know that yet another significant event in planned for next Sunday. In this case led by Mary Leonard the group of volunteers that have taken a special interest in the garden area in North Harbour will host various events to raise funds to continue their efforts to further beautify the area and also perhaps to improve or add to the various festive displays. This will include a cake sale, a chocolate fountain and face painting and will take place form 3pm onwards. The funds generated will be used to plant more trees and shrubs, to further improve the Christmas and Easter displays and hopefully may include longer term plans like a Halloween display and possibly a stained glass lantern. This green area is a fabulous spot which I have seen evolve over years from an unloved patch of grass to a small garden sustained by local effort freely and quietly given. The various displays and happenings here throughout the seasons have been recorded here and we enclose some photos some, already published of the different uses to which the space is put. The fundraising efforts deserve our generous support. 